Tuesday, November 29, 2011

rap showz

I'll be performing Weds with these fine folks

Monday, November 28, 2011

great line for a poem

Sense must be drawn out like blood from text with the needle of mirth.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Great/Occupy/Simulation Redux

there's egypt in america
our pyramids in vegas
must be causing mass hysteria
'cause there's egypt in america

Initial Exchange/Exchange Meta/Occupy Meta

Adam Cahan · Colorado College
I totally disagree. Art can clearly be linked to social activism, but what Occupy has shown is that there is no replacement for people getting together in a space. Occupying space. Whatever it's other merits, a TV show or a play or a film doesn't do that. Both are indispensable components of a healthy culture. However I'd argue the best way to support the goals of Occupy is to occupy! There's no replacement for it.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Army (draft)

The Morning’s black armour is well-oiled,
And He encroaches silently.

The gloom of dreams remains uncongealed,
Held at bay with idle browses

Through the rooms of many houses.
They come, shaking in triumph

Their long grey hair. They come
By my hands which halt the binding flame

Which for me would signal sleep.

See Joyce's 'I Hear an Army'

Ideas for Code Poems

[to be written as a program in a high-level language, and displayed in descending order with its translation into increasingly lower levels until the poem is represented in binary form]

reduce me to ashes

OR.....something like (pseudocode follows)

Print “entropic heat

Print “reduce me to ashes”

here the descent is implied, and actually ends in the waste heat from the voltage jumps, which are the ultimate low-level translation of any computer code

title: degradation to pidgin

convert to leetspeak poem exactly 140 char for tweet
It may be contaminated, jargonized, disrupted language, but it is not a new language, not (yet) evidence for the invasion of an empire of machinic colonizers whose demands of trade and interaction require the creation of a pidgin by economically and linguistically disempowered human users.

!7 m4 8 (n7mn7d, j29n1zd, dsrupted lngu4g, but 1t 1s not 4 nu l4ngu4g, not (yet) evdence 4 d4 1nv4sn of 4 mpire of m4chinic colonizrs whos dm4nds of tr8d n intr4ctn rqire d4 cre4tn of 4 p!j1n by ecnm1cly n lngu!stcly d!smpwrd hmn usrs

Friday, October 21, 2011

to the tune of 'verbal intercourse' off cuban linx

same damned ritual

Rise sun, nah, I slumber

'Phaeton,’' says Zeus, 'what

the fuck is wrong with you?'

no sub-text

On this subject

Me, the shit-flinging monkey

Galore I adore words

and letters Units of measure for

unbounded pleasures

Turn the page, enter

Whatever fantasy O.G.

technology delivers

To escape from reality

I'm Properly unbounded in the

pages of a knowledge tree

where i'm found

kid this flow, my stroke - solid gold

like the medal i oughta hold

for these mic skills cold

when the whispring woods r moanin/my face is clenchd and crawlin

time 2 watch film
time 2 watch film
time 2 watch n be
n be nothin but fantasy

On the Death of Muammar Gaddafi

jesus quaddafi’s dead, have you seen the video?
you just have to get the fuck out there
it’s better than any movie
his blood is so red
it is real blood
in the video (right ;;)?)

its all happening to fast for us artists
those who are thinking
some dude on his cell phone
beat everyone to the punch - everyone. it’s
just raw, life, what you can do with it
art is _action)_ no error corrections or intentions
because nobody has any clue and those who say they do are full of it
on the internet
academics are full of it with their twitters, foolin g us in
to thinking we need them. nah, i mean
yes we need thought - but - but -
the holy sanctity of your average phd?
jesus quaddafi’s dead, have you seen the video?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Multi Medium


What have you heard?

What have you heard now?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Invisible Cafeteria at the Invisible College

The Cafeteria
always makes you sick,
never leaves your side,
knowing how much to eat, and what
is how you stay alive.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011



Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Oh, Ahab Swearers (draft)

time flies

and old soldiers never die

if babies still cry

politicians still lie

ruined cities lie still

with the ghosts

dragged out of their flesh

on accounts of merchants

diamond rings flashing

plucking the heartstrings

wet eyes like sailors, chasing spectacular bling


oh, Ahab swearers, my Kurtzian forebears

briefcase bearers and web--meme declarers

you Atlases of the super--structure

had to scratch an itch, so

you had to shrug your shoulders


passing trinkets to the dinks, snatching material aspects

surveying the planet

stealing magic. man is thought--less

centered in the profit web

silk threads hang out his ass

don’t ask


the mind’s turning

an eternal task

yet no one hoped for this

Sisyphus, I’ll take my pistol

and put it to

your temple

depress my firing stud, destroy

you bitch

execution style, as

my index twitch hear the

button click see

the beam squeal bright

and hot across the sky

through your drying eye

see your boulder rumbling down

squishing caterpillars

flowers and bugs


oh, Ahab swearers, my Kurtzian forebears

briefcase bearers and web--meme declarers

you Atlases of the super--structure

had to scratch an itch, so

you had to shrug your shoulders


Thursday, September 1, 2011

paolo freire - prose fragment

“Please tell me you didn’t park on the deck Miranda.”
“I didn’t.....I didn’t, baby. And you know why I didn’t?” Their voices fade as they pass by me. I hear their footsteps passing too, in that narrow walkway which exists as a secret path from street to parking lot between my apartment complex and the next. I’d just taken a shit and was enjoying myself, reading Paulo Freire on the toilet. There was the mild odor of my excrement in the air, and sun shone through my tiny bathroom window onto the pink bathroom tiles. I wondered if they could hear me, if they could smell me through that small, high window. How would they feel if they knew I was there? What would they think of the slim, red volume I was holding between my hands?

Monday, August 15, 2011

third-rate gibson

  • Adam Cahan 7 hours ago
    In an ideal world TEPCO would in fact construct our atomic melting robot overlords, and their name would be cursed and spoken with a tired, practiced disgust in the furtive gatherings of purple-mohawked hackers and muscle-grafted streetrunners.
  • Adam Cahan 7 hours ago
    ...and people would have tired, cynical sex when the high wears off and smoke cheap chinese cigarettes that taste like rat poison.
  • Adam Cahan 7 hours ago
    Men would subsist off of stolen sugar packets and half-and-half from Starbucks, poured into dixie cups hidden in their trenchcoats, and all women would have to sell themselves - one way or another. TEPCO, of course, would profit off of their misery. But only in - an ideal world.