Monday, August 15, 2011

third-rate gibson

  • Adam Cahan 7 hours ago
    In an ideal world TEPCO would in fact construct our atomic melting robot overlords, and their name would be cursed and spoken with a tired, practiced disgust in the furtive gatherings of purple-mohawked hackers and muscle-grafted streetrunners.
  • Adam Cahan 7 hours ago
    ...and people would have tired, cynical sex when the high wears off and smoke cheap chinese cigarettes that taste like rat poison.
  • Adam Cahan 7 hours ago
    Men would subsist off of stolen sugar packets and half-and-half from Starbucks, poured into dixie cups hidden in their trenchcoats, and all women would have to sell themselves - one way or another. TEPCO, of course, would profit off of their misery. But only in - an ideal world.

Friday, August 12, 2011

dialectic of the day

what can be put in the page
can be put in the years
and days of my decline
from grace, from the power
always shimmering before our eyes
like an oasis - a mirage
there is nothing to put in the page
except for what's suffered in the day
and years are an accumulation
of small defiances
against the quick day
if there is only decline
there is no decline
i am wrong
to fight my decline, my time
this delicious friction
is just another wave of desert heat
appearing in the page

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

tunnel vision rap (read from bottom 2 top)

zero reference
zero reference
zero reference
zero reference